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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

More Tapestry Annotations

Just added the @Component annotation, which works like the <component> element:

    @Component(type = "Conditional", bindings =
    { "condition=message", "element=div" })
    public abstract IComponent getIfMessage(); 

The syntax is definately one of those "lesser of many evils" decisions. Using an array of strings, rather than a series of @Binding elements, means a lot less typing. I actually did the @Binding route first and it was much more verbose and not any more readable.

With this, the XML is becoming increasingly vestigal. There are still a limited number of things that can be expressed in the XML that can't be done using annotations, including <meta>. In addition, line precise exception reporting is compromised by annotations ... there's no file and line data to report. I may have to kludge together something that simply identifies the class, with no line number information.

The test suite is up to 1298 unit tests.

Update: changed the syntax to name=binding reference.

Also, added a very nifty @Message annotation.


Jamie Orchard-Hays said...

What about using something like

{"condition:message", "element:div"}

for the bindings? This would be much more legible and less error-prone.

Unknown said...

Hitting my limit for prefixes, i.e. condition:message is barely ok (but it starts getting confusing what the prefix means), condition:ognl:message is getting worse, condition:hivemind:service:foo.bar.Baz.

I did think about "condition=message" or "condition=ognl:message".