Tapestry Training -- From The Source

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tapestry 5 Performance Study

Ben Gidley has done a detailed analysis of Tapestry 5 performance He used some quite reasonable assumptions, including running tests for over an hour to gauge memory use over time. His conclusion is that Tapestry performance is excellent, which is a relief if not a surprise.

What I'm really pleased with is that he's demonstrated that Tapestry will perform well under load; more importantly, if a Tapestry application gets "Slashdotted", it may slow down, but it recovers once the wave of requests dies down.

Ben compared a Tapestry application to a Struts application with similar behavior and found that T5 out-performed Struts pretty handily, despite the fact that T5 doubles the number of requests (due to its automatic redirect-after-post behavior).

Thanks for the great work Ben!


Ken said...

This is great news after all the gripes I've heard in the past about Tapestry 4 being slow :-)

Taylor Mathewson said...

Hey, just wondering if there was a performance tuning guide for tapestry 5 in the works?