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Friday, September 12, 2003

HiveMind call for participation

HiveMind is, I believe, ready to go! The last few days have been spent refining the framework in a number of small ways. Essl Christian has really gotten very much involved, even contributing a useful patch that addresses the complex class loader environment within Tomcat. He's also provided some great input that led to further shaving away of unwanted code. Sometimes coding is like sculpting ... you just remove the stuff you don't absolutely need.

I'm now interested in putting together a real community to bring HiveMind forward. This will mean putting together a real proposal to move HiveMind out of the sandbox and into Jakarta commons proper. A community around HiveMind would be a good start.

My vision for HiveMind going forward:

  • Select a starting contributors community. Me, Essl, Bill Lear?, Harish?, David Solis?
  • Move to Jakarta commons w/ a charter, voting and all the dressing. Yea! More administration!
  • Move the source code over from sandbox to proper. Reorganize it into a Maven multiproject
  • Progress to a 1.0 release
  • (In parallel) Begin to add additional sub-projects to wrap common code as resuable HiveMind modules. Examples: object pools, database pools, Lucene?, Betwixt?, Hibernate, etc.
  • Conquer the world, and all that

So, if interested, drop me an e-mail or post to the Jakarta Commons Developers list.

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